
Nouns Archive

Archive Center for Nouns DAO

On-Chain Proposal

SharkDAO: Nouns CC0 Story Foundations & Development

Proposal No70
Total Funded148 ETH
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Blockbuster DAO, Sam Ellis, StudioDAO, Greidiens, and other creatives have proposed creating multiple CC0 Story Bibles to serve as the foundation for future stories and inspire creatives to create their own content. The project will involve creating characters, story explorations, and series ideas, and will be funded by a Multi-Sig, with 6 Bibles at ~20E each. The Story Bibles will include a general world/universe outline, characters with illustrations and descriptions, and 10+ story/episode ideas. Oversight of the project will be provided by Jawshua Fisher, who will be compensated 6ETH/month for a 3-month trial period. Legal and set-up fees will also be covered.


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