
Nouns Archive

Archive Center for Nouns DAO

Prop House


Total Funded2.5 ETH
Nouns Archive


CondoNOUNS is an initiative to promote safer sexual health practices and responsible family planning through comprehensive condom distribution and educational outreach in Central and South America. The initiative aims to combat public health challenges such as STIs and unintended pregnancies by providing easy access to condoms and sexual health education. The team plans to distribute FDA-approved condoms, provide informational materials, engage with local organizations, and create a viral opportunity to amplify their message. The budget breakdown includes condom purchases, educational material creation and printing, distribution logistics, and community engagement and promotion. The initiative is executed by a team of five people from Anti SAT and Criptec. The initiative seeks financial support to launch the endeavor and empower individuals to make informed decisions about their sexual health, thereby reducing the prevalence of STIs and unintended pregnancies, and ultimately fostering healthier communities.